La la la, go to the mall, la la la, drive my car, la la la, it’s so warm out this winter.
Normally normal is going to be harder and harder to do with a straight face. Like sand shifting under our feet, it is becoming difficult to stay standing on the dune of normalcy.
This is the age of Aquarius, baby. It is the age of the floods- probably quite literally. Time is accelerating, boundaries are breaking, and constant change is the new norm. It is both difficult and exciting times.
It’s understandable why our conservative brothers and sisters are clinging to a past where boundaries were clear, white was right, big cars were cool, and hairspray was non-toxic. Ahh, those good ol’ days of DDT on the beaches and ironing your underwear. For the most rigid of mentalities their only recourse is clinging to what they know; that means fundamentalism.
Well, those days are over. Hippies have no problem doing the dance of crazy change; pansexual, vegan, driving an electric car is the way we roll. But even the best dancers on the dance floor of life are having troubles with the steps. The beat is fast, the temperature is hot, and reality is showing signs of a entering an era beyond our conception.
Funny short videos called radical living
Do we have a future to look forward to? Things are changing so fast, it is hard to see how this stampede of elephants, balancing donkeys on their backs with clowns holding the reins is going to make it. The Earth is not waiting for humanity to put on our thinking caps. It is warming as we muddle through our social quagmire; indeed, humanity is not as smart nor fast as we have held ourselves to be. This makes us feel helpless. Even the most flexible hipster feels the challenges of today. The future is beyond what we can imagine. Yet there will be a future.
Here are a few things to wonder about. (All that is offered here is wondering because for Goddess’s sake this is a blog- no life answers here - the revolution will not be televised.)
How we can deal-
Slower time – Can we ever find that kind of timeless time again, where days fold into years and we don’t have an hourly schedule? This is so far in the past it seems a fantasy but perhaps it may come again.
Gentleness – It is showing that this is the real healer. Gentle medicines, gentle farming, gentle packaging, gentle transportation, gentle Earth-care, gentle lifestyle. It goes hand in hand with slower time because real solutions take time.
Smaller and less – Shipping containers of cheap crap will mean nothing when people are hungry.
Walking or biking – If you can’t get what you need within a 40-mile range then think about moving.
Restrictive Diet – Those that are used to limited diets will fare better than those who are addicted to instant, high-calorie, processed foods.
Community building – History has shown that when we work together, we survive. This is where the art of patience and acceptance creates a glue for togetherness.
Heal the wounds – So much healing of our toxic social past is being offered. In this sacred time, this lull before the storm, there is inner work to be done.
Gentleness, slower time, clean diet, healing our wounds, building community are the mantras for a wholistic future. It will help the humanity transition as we are all forged into a new way of being.