words are power. They describe our perceptions of the word and hence create our reactions to the world. Without a word to describe a thing or activity, it will be almost invisible to us. as a independent culture hippies are making up words to illustrate our worldview and to name the dysfunctions within our prevailing culture.


A practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to solve human problems.


A friendly slur to your fellow humans brought on by the movie The Big Lebowski, in which the word Dude was used in every sentence.


A philosophy or approach that is opposed to a single powerful force or regime

Sacred hoop

A way of life where people travel to different ecosystems to gather wild food.


Undoing domestication. Reverting developed land back to a wild state. Transforming ones self into a free spirit.

Stacking Functions

The more functions an object or system has, the more useful it is. Creating systems or tools that embody many functions.


A way of farming where there is no waste, everything is used. It combines ecosystem health with gentle gardening techniques.

Hippie senses

Like spidy senses, hippies can usually sense square-propaganda-rhetoric-bullshit.

Hippie rant

A long winded sometimes bizarre associations of political conspiracies, religion, psychedelics, altered states, science, and aliens.


Capitalist pigs that are conspiring to run a capitalist government that controls everyone and everything. (Except for smart hippies that run into the woods.)


To be awake. To be aware. To be here. To be hip. To open one’s eyes to the racism, and double-standard bull shit of society.

Altered space

Mind expansion usually brought on by drugs, music, or just way-out conversations.

Loading Zone

Where we all go to make a circle and smoke a joint.

Woo woo

Far-out, hippie spirituality.


Something that looks like something but isn’t really. An unsatisfying imitation or substitute. (Like all of TV land, man)


placing solar panels out in grazing land.

trump trap

A scheme that wants you to give them money, time, and attention that will be empoverishing to a person or culture.

earth mama

Woman (or person who identifies as one), who gets down in the dirt, knows herbal skills, makes wholesome food, and is deep and rich as the earth itself.


A person who is a vegetarian. Vegetarians eat vegetables, grains, eggs, and dairy.

Bling blam

Sparkly stuff that has no use and is garbage.

In touch

Person who knows what they are about, what is real in our false society, and is not swayed by bullshit.


A person who is easily distracted by shallow diversions.


Taking an old bio-friendly skill and adding tools available today to make the job easier. Examples are; eating acorns but using a food processor to grind them up. Looking for wild edible plants but using a metal digging stick. Tanning leather with a knuckle buster. Starting a fire using flint and magnesium shards.

eco groovy

Doing right by the environment.

Eco-groovy high

The feeling of elation when doing a earth friendly, wholesome activity.


A person or activity that is narrow minded, rigid, brain-washed by cultural norms, controlling, and environmentally sterile.


Food that is genetically modified, cheaply made, unhealthy. It usually looks good but taste bland.

hippie slop

A cultural food made by hippies with added hippie wholesomeness. It usually taste good although not authentic and usually looks like a lumpy mess of vegetables with sauce.


Packaged food or products that clams to be environmentally produced and healthy but really is not. Example is a product claiming to be natural but what is that?

gerbil cage

Thinking about the same thing over and over with no conclusion or means for action.


Toxifying the self, others and world with the attitude that we are tough and can handle anything, that toxins wont hurt us.


A woman who won’t put up with un-environmental actions by slapping the toxo-macho person up-side the head.

Intuitive Building

Letting the land, sun, trees and inspiration guide the building process instead of blueprints.



There are things I wish I had words for, especially as a writer. When trying to express ideas, our language is like living in a mall yet desiring to connect and express with the wild world within and outside of us. Like, there are not enough variations on the word love. This one word means too many feelings. Our language is like our architecture of concrete boxes – it is practical but bland, uninspiring and lacks imagination.  




I'm fascinated with the Danish word hygge. How Americans use the word freedom to attribute themselves, the Danish use hygge. The Dans are considered one of the happiest cultures in the world, and they attribute this to hygge. Hygge is what our souls enjoy; it is sitting by the fire on a winter’s night with a cup of hot tea. It is being with a friend in silence and enjoying a candlelight dinner. It is a feeling of home, comfort, relaxed company, and mellow ambiance. Hygge is what the Danish strive to attain. It doesn’t take much money or effort because it is a natural state of being.

Americans could use a good dose of hygge. In LA it is catching on that all the flashing lights and bling is annoying. So, in LA, dark bars are a hot trend. Dark bars are places to meet where there is literally no light. You are guided to your seat and people meet there for drinks in the dark. Low lighting is the hip trend. The LA hip are feeling the need for deep dark connection in a city that uses sound and light to blow out all our senses.

Here is another situation that I wish there was a word for. It has arisen from living through a life of ups and downs. I have noticed that whatever I judge, or say I’ll never do that, or how can that person be so…  eventually, I will be standing in those shoes. There is something about judging or condemning a person or action that sparks the karmic wheel into action, and it becomes my lesson to see the other side of my viewpoint. After enough years, I have noticed that whatever I say I’ll never do is what I, at some point, will be doing.

I think the root of it is that the real reason we are alive is to grow. And the truth is there is no judging God; there is a field of consciousness that is compassionate and understanding. To be in sync with this force, is to soften to the world and understand.

Is there a word for this? No. And hence we have no understanding of this force. No concept to guide us. We are blind as we stubble around condemning others only to set in motion the harsh lessons to enable us to feel what it is like on the other side of our pointing finger. This cosmic action without-a-word is why I don’t fear Trump. His favorite word is loser. So there it is. It will all be recycled back around to a big, bad lesson for him and his followers.

But this needs a word. Shall I make one up? How about whoopsyflop? counterperceive? Or just something abstract like mootshift? The best word I can think of is judgyflip. I’m adding this to my private word collection that will not win Scrabble.

But can you now see how we are encased in a language that is sparce and limiting? It shapes our view of life and ourselves. We are trapped in a consumeristic, bland culture that focuses on things instead of experiences and lacks any real understanding of internal, spiritual attributes. Even our word God, is stuck with an old man on a cloud and is devoid of deeper understanding.

We are imprisoned by a dull language however, by adding keywords to our vocabulary, we can break free and expand our thinking. Here are a few real words that can come in handy to describe emotional states:

Ambedo – a melancholic trance where you become completely absorbed in the simple sensations of the world around you, i.e. leaves in the wind or raindrops plunking in a puddle.

Exulansis – to stop talking about an experience you’ve had because you find that others can’t relate to it.

Ruckkehrunruhe – After returning home from a crazy experience or long trip and feeling it fade from your mind quickly.

Jouska – a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively replay in your head.

Leucocholy – a preoccupation with trivial and insipid diversions.

Nodus Tollens – the realization that your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.

 The need for words for the mind is like water for the body. Drink deeply.