In today’s world, the far left and the far right are blending together with their resistance to mainstream culture. The middle of the road people are very confused by this, and it seems that everyone is wacko. But the difference lies in reasoning.
The reasoning of the far right is wrapped up in denial – there is no disease, it is not so bad, the economy is strong, America is great, white men know what’s best for all of us, the mall must open, and there is no global warming. This is head-up-ass reasoning with lots of made up BS.
The far left is the direct opposite - its standpoint is of hyper-awareness. We feel every poisonous-plastic-particle, every genetic-jerry-rigged-juice, every dead dolphin in the polluted delta. We know COVID is a real disease, but hoping only for a vaccine injection is too bio-chemical for the sensitive vegan.
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The reason the Hip wants wholistic, natural medicine solutions is because we have a critical view of the long history of technology. It has not been the miracle it that has been touted to be. Let’s list a few examples: Nuclear Energy (the clean power), DDT (lets spray it all over the beaches), GMO (solving the food crisis or making one?), Better living through Chemicals (yuck), and plastics that last forever (the oceans - oh sh*t.)
We have found that with any so-called advancement there is a hidden cost. Many of the masses just overlook this and want to continue on with life as usual (just give us the shot) but many of the Hip culture don’t want to go down another rabbit hole. Unfortunately, we are being dragged down it anyway. Here comes 5G (Wonder what that will do to our brains?) Genetically engineered food and people are going to be made whether we like it or not, and mandatory vaccines are the only way we can exist in society.
One of the problems with our modern paradigm is that we are still telling ourselves that technology will solve all of our problems because in the beginning it had: food crisis, medical miracles, and paving the world for our needs. But it has also created a bunch of very complicated problems When do we say that it is getting to be too much of a good thing? How many fast internet, fast food, virtual living, paving land, flying everywhere, synthetic life, plastic production, unchecked consumerism, and numerous vaccines is enough? The way it is going, it is never enough. As long new diseases keep coming up we will have more and more vaccines.
Being natural, is succumbing to nature, allowing ourselves to be part of the cycle of life and death. We can create herd immunity by going through a diseases and taking naturally extracted medicines to help us overcome it. We are running so hard against natural flow that we are heading into uncharted territory. Hence, look at all the sci-fi movies. Do any of them portray a life in balance with the living earth? No, it is all mega cities, synthetic food, in bubbles on a destroyed planet - or a mad max wasteland. Why do we not rebel from this caustic future? It seems like we want it, or it is inevitable because we cannot stop ourselves. We seem to not have the capacity of wisdom to resist doing everything just because we can.
This is where the Hip are jumping ship. Trying to recreate culture with organic foods, small farms, alternative education, simpler living, natural health consciousness, and proactive restructuring of our values.
Some of the radical left are resistant to vaccines because we are suspicious of the effects of so many of them. Not necessarily the vaccine itself but the chemical carriers and heavy metals such as mercury that are in them. We know that heavy metals are interfering with brain function. It seems that the autistic rate is skyrocketing and soon we will have a huge number of autistic adults and children. Where is this coming from? Well, they have been doing research on cancer for the last 50 years and they still don’t know what causes it.
This is where the Hip are jumping ship. Trying to recreate culture with organic foods, small farms, alternative education, simpler living, natural health consciousness and proactive restructuring of our values.
Some of the radical left are resistant to vaccine because we are suspicious of the effects of so many of them. Not necessarily the vaccine itself but the chemical carriers and heavy metals such a mercury that are in them. We know that heavy metals are interfering with brain function. It seems that the autistic rate is skyrocketing and soon we will have a huge number of autistic adults and children. Where is this coming from? Well, they have been doing research on cancer for the last 50 years and they still don’t know what causes it.
The Wok culture wants to see good science but it seems like much of the science that is funded has an agenda of not rocking the boat. Hippies don’t have the scientific research behind some of our suspicions because not as much money is given to, for example, looking into how plastic packaging of food and the rate of cervical and breast cancer are in correlation or why the rise of Autism is only in developed countries. No one wants to name the culprit because the culprit is convenience and big industry. Hence, the Hip are suspicious of the solutions that are being handed to us.
The path of the hip-that-are-jumping-ship is living without – without plastics, without GMO foods, without big cars, and without chemical solutions but… are we going to live without vaccines? Some are.
So, when the leftist say, - we are not giving our kids vaccines and the rightwing say - we are not taking the vaccine. it is a messy situation for the mainstream to figure out, and it is even confusing for the hip to figure out. We have some strange alliances as the left and right become both so extreme and rebellious that they are bumping into each other.
America has racial, social, and ideological civil war going on. The extreme right want a white world of strong men eating white bread. The Hip are rooting for integration of muli-race-intersex-LBGQRST-radicalwomen-animalrights for all organic vegetables! YAH! - A beautiful world of salad.
Perhaps we need to calm down and relax. Smoke a joint. Vaccines have helped cure the world of some very gnarly diseases. Technology has made somethings in our lives easier. Patience and methodical thinking seem to prevail in such swirls of information. We have to answer some questions for ourselves-
-Is this slowdown of the economy better for the environment?
-Does the slowdown of the economy have some good side effects in our personal lives?
-What is more important- getting back to our lives, or not getting sick?
-Do we have more chance of hurting ourselves by getting sick or getting the vaccine? (short term or long term)
-Will the mandatory vaccine take in consideration if someone has already been sick?
-If most people have the vaccine (so won’t get the disease) what does it matter if some people don’t?
-Is the vaccine the only way for people to be well and has there been other research into non-invasive measures?
-How does fear play into our opinions? What do we fear most?
There are no correct answers. This is just a mental exercise to find your own take in this crazy muddle of information and maybe do a little metal cleansing of our viewpoints. Is fear, anger, hatred really helpful for ourselves and the world we are creating. Take some time to visualize what kind of world we would like to live in.