Eating Wild Foods
bay nut candies were just ok. Need to leach the astringent taste out of them.
This year was a bumper crop of acorns and bay nuts. I decided to make bay nut candies. I husked, roasted and ground the nuts and mixed it with a sweetener (monk fruit). Truthfully, they came out only sort of palatable. They were tasty on the first bite but they left a really astringent taste lingering. Not all food experiments turn out great on the first try. So I plan to try leaching them next time or soaking them. Unfortunately when people try something new for the first time and it doesn’t taste right they reject it as an un-tasty food. But my reply to that is if I took flour and didn’t add anything to it but water and tasted it, that would be bad too. But add salt and butter and bake it, then you have a totally different experience. A good cook can make horse shit taste good.