The Age of Aquarius
So here we are – the age of floods and electricity – ground-breaking and high ideas. We thought we would all turn into ethereal beings but instead we are turning into computer zombies. We live in our private imaginations through social media, movies, and virtual reality. Like who needs to go outside anymore. We are turning into cerebral masters of our own universes
But it’s feeling like Aquarius times; lots of ideas that push the social envelope, a swirling mass of information and ideas, large social movements, dispelling of the old in a flood of new paradigms. It had a glimmer in the 1960s, but it hasn’t really gone away. It has grown and transformed.
Just look at the new generation – open sexuality, inclusion, mixing of races, and living through our phones. These are really high times with a lot of healing going on and questioning of old paradigms.
Aquarius by Chriskoehler on Deviant Art
But our brains are never silent like the forest. We are an image of the city-dwelling, information whirlwind. We text quickly while we talk on the phone. We manage whole files of information sending it zooming over the internet. If our computers and phones stopped working our society would collapse and we really would have no idea how to function.
This trend is bound to continue and expand. There really is nothing to slow us down besides our own selves - or a solar storm that would knock out all the satellites. But even so, we would just get busy and fix them. Even the luddites (people who refuse to use technology) are being sucked in because you can’t even start your car or open a door now without a computer making it work.
There is no going back. But a few hippies in the woods are keeping their hands in the soil and their faces to the sky. Our society is changing swiftly, and the river of change is carrying us on a journey into the future of the groundbreaking Aquarius.
Watch the music movie. It still is powerful and beautiful today-