Love as the Path through Disaster
If you have had any kind of love affair, you know that making the beloved a slave- is not love. Focusing only on our own needs is not love and usually destroys relationships. But releasing and encouraging the other is love.
The goal here, people, is to love nature. If we love and value nature, we will release and encourage it. In turn we will be less of a slave driver- we will change into caretakers, nurtures, and lovers of this Earth. We will become better earthlings.
Wild nature is so much more interesting than manicured lawns.
As mental creatures, we have to ask ourselves how do we organize our values? We can make our paradigms haphazard and unconscious- that’s what we have now; running after fixations and carrots-on-a -stick. This is creating a very square culture; “I want more money”- duh! This type of thinking doesn’t take our most creative and imaginative possibilities. It’s just basic and easy thinking, like donuts and packaged food; don’t have to think, just shove it in your mouth, and feed like a cancer.
Look up- jump out- turn away from the illusion of our own human centered world and move towards a real vision that includes nature. This is a huge shift and awaking, but it starts with small steps. In every decision from what you eat to how many times you flush the toilet; dismantle the mind-numbing convenience. Start by thinking about the natural world, finding time to connect with the planet you are living on, and eventually loving the raw, wild Earth.