Harvesting the Wild Waters
In a time where water is privatized, chemically treated, sterilized, and controlled by corporations and companies… many of us are looking for healthier water. Imagine drinking water that flows free, is connected to a watershed and ecology, carries trace minerals, has natural beneficial micro-biology, doesn’t cost money, doesn’t involve single use plastic bottles. Much of the bottled water available to the consumer is spring water taken from sources all over the world. Deep aquifers from Fiji or naturally effervescent spring water from Germany or spring water harvested from public lands in the United States financially benefitting private companies. Many bottled water companies take too much water from watersheds and ecologies and the consumer has no connection to where that place is and how it may be suffering from most or all of its spring water being tapped for corporate profit.
Water is life so live it!
My partner and I traveled across the US, from the East Coast to the West Coast not buying any water from the store. Instead, we charted our route according to places to fill up spring water. Many of these places are modern day oases where we met locals and travelers who were full of stories and interests that were nothing short of magical. Locals had respect and historical connection to the spring and in many cases, personally cared and monitored who and how people engaged with it. We met a full spectrum of counter cultural people as well as your run of the mill Jack and Jills who “ just liked the taste of natural spring water.” Encouraging all who read this to get to know your local spring or someone else’s, with care and respect. Onward!